The Elegant Machine Learning Stack



Flux has features that sets it apart among ML systems.
Compiled Eager Code
Flux provides a single, intuitive way to define models, just like mathematical notation. Julia transparently compiles your code, optimising and fusing kernels for the GPU, for the best performance.
Differentiable Programming
Existing Julia libraries are differentiable and can be incorporated directly into Flux models. Cutting edge models such as Neural ODEs are first class, and Zygote enables overhead-free gradients.
First-class GPU support
GPU kernels can be written directly in Julia via CUDA.jl. Flux is uniquely hackable and any part can be tweaked, from GPU code to custom gradients and layers.


Flux has a diverse ecosystem that includes models available for reuse and other useful packages.
Probabilistic Programming
The Turing.jl and Stheno.jl libraries enable probabilistic programming, Bayesian inference and Gaussian processes on top of Flux.
Graph Neural Networks
GraphNeuralNetworks.jl is a graph neural network library for Flux and supports CUDA GPU acceleration.
Computer Vision
Metalhead.jl includes many state-of-the-art computer vision models with pre-trained weights.
The SciML ecosystem uses the FluxML stack to mix neural nets with differential equations, to get the best of black box and mechanistic modelling.
Natural Language Processing
Transformers.jl provides components for transformer architectures for language modeling, as well as providing several trained models out of the box.


Get in touch with the Flux community.
Community team
Flux is maintained by community team (see our governance model). Join us or talk to us on Zulip! 👉
Official Julia Slack for casual conversation. See #flux-bridged and #machine-learning.
Zulip server for the Julia programming language community. See #ml-contributors and #machine-learning.
Discourse forum
Machine Learning in Julia community.
Stack Overflow
Ask questions about Flux.jl.
Help us by contributing code!

Why Flux?

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